A is for Athletic day!! ABC countdown begins today! Who's your favorite athletic team or athlete? Have a fantastic Friday!
over 1 year ago, Demetra Turman
The track meet today has been canceled. There will be no practice either.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Anderson
Searching for an experienced summer custodian May 15 - Aug. 14. See post here: https://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/Job-Posting/140473/Summer-Custodian/job-details Please share!
over 1 year ago, Demetra Turman
Teacher Appreciation is next month. Here is the sign up genius with slots to help volunteer. PTO appreciates all your help! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c0448afa628aafa7-breakfastlunch3/56125144
over 1 year ago, Newark Millbrook PTO
A little taste of winter the next few days - please dress accordingly for outdoor recess. Lots of new info this week! Friday begins our ABC countdown! Get caught up here with ENews: https://5il.co/1skz6
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
As you know, Newark/Millbrook PTO works collaboratively to support the schools through many events and volunteer opportunities. We are all parents trying to give our kids the best educational and social experiences possible. This could not happen without the donation of time and resources from all of you. We would love for you to show your support by participating in the events and activities planned throughout the 2023-2024 school year. Your participation might be that of a committee leader or a committee member. Whatever level of participation you select, your time and involvement will certainly be appreciated and ensure we are able to continue the success of Newark/Millbrook PTO. Please see the below “PTO Events Calendar 2023-2024” for a list of activities and description of the committees’ responsibilities along with the tentative event dates for the next school year. Please let us know the events you are able to participate, as if we do not get enough help, some of the events that we have had in the past may be cancelled. In addition to events, we invite you to attend all or as many PTO meetings as you can. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Specific dates will be communicated on the school website and weekly enews. Thank you for all that you do for our kids and the community! Feel free to contact Gilly Fordyce at gillyfordyce@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering and participating in the Newark/Millbrook PTO. We are looking to get slots filled by 5/2/2023 as this is also our final PTO meeting of the school year. We can relook at openings at our first PTO meeting 9/5/2023 as well
almost 2 years ago, Newark Millbrook PTO
PTO committes
Last school store of this school year at Newark Grade School! $1-$3 is plenty!
almost 2 years ago, Newark Millbrook PTO
ENews attached for this week! Hope everyone had a wonderful, long weekend! Here we go! Enjoy the beautiful day! School resumes on Tuesday! Have a magical Monday! https://5il.co/1s6t8
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy Easter to our learning community! 🐣💙 Enjoy the beautiful day! ENews will be sent tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Hello, The board of education is accepting applications for a vacancy for one opening beginning May 8, 2023 through April, 2025. Please see attached for more information: https://5il.co/1s49r
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Mother Son bowling event is now Completely full- sold out! Thanks to everyone who signed up.
almost 2 years ago, Newark Millbrook PTO
Tomorrows April PTO meeting will be a zoom call at 6pm If you are interested in joining the call please email Mrs. Turman for the link.
almost 2 years ago, Newark Millbrook PTO
Sun is shining! Welcome back! ENews info is here! This week: elections, PTO meeting, Time to Dine, Easter four day weekend. Watching weather! IAR testing........ catch up here: https://5il.co/1ruek
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Reminder we dismiss at 1:15 MJH and 1:30 NGS today! School returns Monday, April 3. Have a wonderful spring break!
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Reminder that track pictures are tomorrow(3/21) at 3pm.
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Anderson
Happy Sunday! Early Dismissal on Friday for Spring Break! Q3 Report Cards come home Thursday. Catch up with this week's ENEWS! Congrats to Mrs. Hager and the Matilda Jr. cast and crew! Enjoy the week! https://5il.co/1r0or
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Matilda Jr. the Musical opens tonight at Newark Grade School. Show begins at 6:00 pm. We have a limited amount of walk in tickets available. Limited tickets for walk in on Saturday too! Shows at 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Mother Son Bowling form was sent home last Friday at NGS. In ENews this week (sorry I thought I attached last week!) You can access here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1482/CCSD_66/2869086/2023_Mother_Son_Bowling_form__1_.pdf
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman
Mother/Son bowling event is HALF full!! Please turn your forms in asap if you are wanting to attend :) This event has a max capacity of 80 people. Thanks!
almost 2 years ago, Newark Millbrook PTO
Slushy start to Sunday! Did you Spring Forward? Enjoy ENews and then jump on FB to check out all the DDDance photos! Thanks to all of PTO. Have a great day! https://5il.co/1qkfj
almost 2 years ago, Demetra Turman