Happy Sunday! Sun is making an appearance for a short time! No School Monday - take tomorow to spread kindness in some way! See you on Tuesday!
Dear 7th Grade Parents
It's time for the final payment for Springfield. (See your email for more details!)
Student Cost Breakdown: $125- $50 (deposit) -$40 (fundraise) = $35 left to pay
Chaperone Cost Breakdown: $140-$50 (deposit) -$40 (fundraise) = $50 left to pay
Please make checks payable to Newark District 66. We need all checks by February 1, 2023!
Thank you so much! Please let me know if you have any questions!
Ms. Chase
Friday, January 13 is a school improvement day. MJH dismisses at 1:15 pm and Newark Grade at 1:30 pm. No school Monday for MLK JR Day.
Just a reminder from Sports Boosters: All sold/unsold Valentine's Day Raffle Tickets are due back TOMORROW, Friday, January 13! Thank you!
Parents of the Matilda Cast/Crew,
The next Matilda rehearsal will be held on Friday, January 20. There will be NO rehearsal today (1/11) or tomorrow (1/12). We apologize for the confusion of this week's schedule.
Online registration is now open for Newark l Lisbon Rec Association
T-Ball, Softball and Baseball!
Registration will close on February 8th.
Registration is open to all 2nd year Pre-K - 8th grade students.
Softball / Baseball approx. season duration, mid April - early July.
T - Ball approx. season duration, mid May - end of June.
Reminder that our girls basketball parent meeting is this Thursday at 4:30pm at MJH.
Matilda rehearsal will be at MJH today 3 pm- 5pm!
Here is the signup genius for the Daddy Daughter Dance - Saturday March 11th
Thanks in advance to everyone that is able to help!
Students Return to school Tuesday, Jan 10th! Don't forget we go back to four bus routes too! Please be patient with times! Thank you! Welcome Back!
PTO meeting is being moved to Tuesday, January 17th @ 5:45pm at MJH
Happy New Year! Students return on Tuesday, Jan. 10! Start the year getting caught up on all the news with ENEWS! Welcome back!
Happy Saturday! ENews returns tomorrow morning! We return to four bus routes on Tuesday for students. Please welcome Tricia Martin our new bus driver! Bus drivers are calling families with pick up times. Thank you!
REMINDER: Girls Basketball Practice for all levels starts on TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd. 7th and 8th grade girls will practice January 3, 4, 5, 6 from 10:00am-12:00pm. The 5th/6th girls will practice January 3, 4, 5, 6 from 5:30-7:00pm.
Happy New Year to our learning community!
Girls Basketball Practice for all levels starts on TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd. 7th and 8th grade girls will practice January 3, 4, 5, 6 from 10:00am-12:00pm. The 5th/6th girls will practice January 3, 4, 5, 6 from 5:30-7:00pm. You will get more information at the first practice and the schedules will also be posted on the school website under athletics. If you have any questions please contact me. 7th and 8th grade can also contact Coach Vienne at zvienne@ncsd66.org and 5/6th can contact Coach Smith at dsmith@ahwllc.com if you have any questions. Have a great Christmas!
Happy 1st day of Winter! We dismiss at 1:15 (MJH) & 1:30 (NGS) today and tomorrow! No School Friday! We are watching the weather. Stay warm!
Finally the sunshine is back! Have a super Sunday! Last ENews of 2022! A week of full activities! ENews returns on January 9th. Wishing all a wonderful holiday season! Stay warm!
PTO Parents Night Out Movie Night for kids from 5:30 - 8:00 at NGS tonight. This is a full event and not open to walk-ins. If you need to check, please email acass@ncsd66.org.
Thank you to all who donated items! Again this event is full!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but any spirit wear orders will now be delivered on Monday and not today. Thank you for your understanding!