August 27 and 28 we are MAP testing for all students. Parent toolkit here: Remote Testing Guidance here:
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Awesome today Vikings! 5 days in! So proud of all of you! Wednesday, 8/26/20 is our first remote learning day for ALL! Students should have their schedules for Wednesday. Please remember attendance will be taken and students are expected to attend classes. If you are picking up up lunch at NGS @ 12:15 - 12:45, please sign up in your first period class. Thanks everyone!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Parents - emails from INOW carried over into Teacher Ease - if that email is incorrect - you won't be able to login to Teacher Ease. Please let us know which email you use so we can get Teacher Ease setup. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Reminder to Self-Certify your students symptoms. IF you have symptoms they need to be reported and student should stay home. Remote Learners - if you are buying lunch, please sign up with your teacher in the morning. Screening checklist is now on Teacher Ease!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Reminder to Self-Certify your students symptoms. IF you have symptoms they need to be reported and student should stay home. Remote Learners - if you are buying lunch, please sign up with your teacher in the morning. Screening checklist is now on Teacher Ease!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Cross Country athletes and parents/guardians we will be holding a Parent Meeting on Monday, August 24th at 4:15 PM following practice. We will meet on the playground blacktop. Please remember to social distance. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Enews attached - now our District newsletter weekly! Lunch menu on Website/Mobile App. Sign up for Teacher Ease and certify symptoms daily online! This will be mandatory in one week. For those still getting notifications no longer enrolled - this should change this week! Thanks for your patience. Looking forward to week 2 with students! Stay healthy!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Great three days Vikings! Kids followed the guidelines (maybe a few reminders) but overall thank you to everyone for helping all of us stay safe and healthy! Thanks to our amazing staff and to parents for their patience! Please stay safe this weekend so we can stay in school. ENEWS on Sunday!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Reminder to Self-Certify your students symptoms. IF you have symptoms they need to be reported and student should stay home. Remote Learners - if you are buying lunch, please sign up with your teacher in the morning. Screening checklist is now on Teacher Ease!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Day one done! Students were AMAZING today! So proud of them for following the guidelines! We had some glitches, but will get them worked out! Overall, great first day! Phenomenal job Vikings! 💙💙💙
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Hey Vikings! Welcome Back! Few reminders - drop offs should arrive around 7:55 at NGS. MJH shuttle bus leaves at 7:50 am from NGS. 8th Graders - report to high school for Alg I and Spanish I. Self-Certify your students symptoms. IF you have symptoms they need to be reported and student should stay home. Remote Learners - if you are buying lunch, please sign up with your teacher in the morning. Welcome back everyone! We missed you!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
ENEWS for this week attached. Lots of back to school updates here: Enjoy the beautiful day!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
5th, 6th and 7th grade families - attached are copies of what the student schedule will be. Please let your child know the new password for Google gmail is Student2020! They can log into their gmail with this password and then change it.
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
5th - 8th Graders! XC practices have started. Don't forget you need a current physical on file to begin practice. Calendar for August here:
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
ENews attached for the upcoming week! Please read for updates! We are almost ready! Enjoy the day!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
5th - 8th Cross Country Practice begins on Mon, August 10th - 10:00 - 11:30 at MJH for interested 5th - 8th graders. Bring your own water bottles and face coverings. Social distancing guidelines will be followed. No locker rooms to change. Must have physical to begin.
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Attention Millbrook Junior High Vikings: Soccer and volleyball seasons are postponed at this time. We are hopeful to still have seasons, they will be condensed schedules. Our hopes are to play volleyball starting in November, and soccer in the spring. CROSS COUNTRY All students interested in Cross Country... Sign up! Please email Mrs. O’Connell at More information to follow.
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Hello Parents/Guardians, We have opened one more opening for each time slot. If you still need to sign up - please do so. Please enter through the side cafe door. Thank you! Please adhere to social distancing guidelines and face coverings are required.
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy Sunday! Enews attached with lots of info! The countdown begins! Stay healthy! Stay safe!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Parent/Guardian Reminder - if you are going to choose remote learning for the upcoming school year, we need to confirm by August 4th. If you are homeschooling, let us know that too - no need to register. If we don't hear from you, the default is in-person. Please email or Mrs. Hauge and Mrs. Wood will return on Monday, August 3rd. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman