Welcome back students and staff! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease today. Call the office if needed. We are ready to resume teaching and learning! Dress warm - we recess outside! Have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Welcome Back! Students return tomorrow! Enews attached and the lunch sign up form for this week! We are excited to start Q3! http://bit.ly/ENewsJan112021 https://forms.gle/LpPYTuQvWeUZm2qV9
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Welcome back to our teachers! Students return Monday, Jan 11. Reminder K-4 remote learners..... packet pick up today at NGS 1-2:30 pm.
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy New Year Vikings! School resumes on Monday, Jan 11th. On Friday, Jan 8 our K-4 remote learners can pick up materials 1:00-2:30 at NGS. ENews on Sunday!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy New Year to our learning community! Wishing you all a healthy, happy 2021!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy New Year!
Happy last day before winter break! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease today. Call the office if needed. 1:15/1:30 dismissal. Happy Holidays! School Resumes January 11, 2021! Stay safe and healthy!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy Monday! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease today. Call the office if needed. Dress warm, we go outside every day ! Early Dismissal today 1:15 MJH/1:30 NGS. ENews in case you missed yesterday! http://bit.ly/EnewsDecember212020
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Last ENews of 2020! Winter Break begins Wednesday. Dismissals at 1:15/1:30 Monday/Tuesday! 11 pages of information! Enjoy! Happy Holidays! http://bit.ly/EnewsDecember212020
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy Friday! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease today. Call the office if needed. Dress warm, we go outside every day ! Have a great weekend! Monday and Tuesday are 1:15/1:30 dismissals. Last ENews for the year on Sunday.
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Sorry for the post! That was for tomorrow. :)
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Good Thursday morning! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease today. Call the office if needed. Dress warm, we do go outside every day! Have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Good Tuesday morning! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease today. Call the office if needed. Dress warm, we do go outside every day! Have a great Tuesday!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Ms. Chase and our band students have been working so hard to bring you this Virtual Band Concert! Thank you Ms. Chase and band students for all of your beautiful music! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/qCr6sv8Vwqk
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Good morning! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease. Please call the office if needed. Please dress warm today! We go outside for mask breaks every day. Have a great start to the week!
about 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy Sunday! ENews updates here: https://bit.ly/ENews12142020 Thank you for filling out the 3rd quarter survey. This helps us plan accordingly for next quarter. Lots of updates in ENews! Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Happy Friday! All students and staff should certify their symptoms in Teacherease. Please call the office if needed. Today is the last day for the 3rd Qtr Survey! Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Good morning! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Have a great Thursday! All giving tree donations can be dropped off at NGS. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Parents - Don't forget! 3rd Quarter Survey for Remote or In Person learning is due by Friday, Dec. 11th. It only needs to be filled out once. Thank you! https://forms.gle/gpm5Gwq8PKPD4Wv49
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman
Virtual Christmas Concert is rescheduled for Monday, December 21st. We are still working on recording. Thank you for your patience! We will send the video out when it is finished. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Demetra Turman