Good morning! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Have a great Tuesday!
All giving tree donations can be dropped off at NGS tomorrow. Thank you!

Good morning! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Have a great Monday!

Happy Sunday! ENews attached for this week! Please take a few minutes to read! Everyone please stay safe and healthy! Enjoy the day!

Happy Friday! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Dress warm! We do go outside for breaks! Have a great weekend!

Happy Thursday! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Dress warm! We do go outside for breaks! Have a great day!

Cross Country Athletes:
Please turn in your uniforms to the office. They need to be washed before turned in. I think you have had plenty of time ;). Thank you!
Mrs. O'Connell

December Spirit Wear link is live! Order your spirit wear by December 6th!

Welcome back to everyone! All students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Dress warm! We do go outside for breaks! Have a great Monday!

Happy Sunday! Welcome Back NGS and everyone! Dress warm this week so we can continue to be outside for breaks! ENews here: https://bit.ly/EnewsNovember30
3rd quarter parent survey for remote/in person learning here. Due Dec. 11. https://forms.gle/tLeNKBiRnr5KCxdu5

All MJH students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher ease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Our family reading night series continues tonight at 7:00 pm with Mrs. Turman on our FB and Youtube channel. Have a tremendous Tuesday!

All MJH students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacherease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Our family reading night series continues tonight at 7:00 pm with Mrs. Turman on our FB and Youtube channel. Happy Monday!

Good Sunday Morning! ENews Attached! Only 2.5 days this week! Many Thanksgiving Blessings to you and yours. Have a great day!

All MJH students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacherease today. If any NGS or MJH student has symptoms, please call the office. Our family reading night series continues tonight at 7:00 pm with Mrs. Rowe on our FB page. Happy Friday!

All MJH Students and staff should certify their symptoms in Teacherease today. If any NGS or MJH students have symptoms, please let the office know. Family Reading Night tonight! Look for Mrs. Turman’s story at 7:00! Have a great day!

MJH students and staff should certify symptoms in Teacher Ease today. If any NGS or MJH students have symptoms, please call the office. Thank you and have a happy Tuesday!

Lunch pick up while NGS is remote learning is 11:45 - 12:30. Sorry for the confusion. ENews is incorrect. All NGS classes lunch times should be 11:55 - 12:25 pm. Thank you for being flexible and understanding!

AM kindergarten parents -- Mrs. Schmidt is unable to conduct Google Meets today. Students may work on SeeSaw. If you run out of pumpkins, you may draw them. Mrs. Schmidt will be back up tomorrow morning. Thank you!

Morning! Please certify symptoms in Teacherease. Call the office if needed. We will be taking calls at MJH today for NGS. 630.553.5435. Please stay safe and healthy!

Happy Sunday! Reminder - NGS is remote learning through Nov. 30th. Material pick up on Tuesday from 2 - 4 pm. Buses will run as normal for MJH students. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy!

Newark Grade School will go remote for two weeks beginning November 16 due to positive COVID cases. Please see attached letter. Stay safe and healthy.